“Always here to help!”

Commitment – Client Success – Expertise – Experience – Goals

With 45 years of expertise, experience, and success John Blake is capable of analyzing your body, listening to your needs, and creating a fitness plan that will help you reach your lifestyle goals. Most plans include healthy eating and exercise to ensure the best results for most clients. Our goal is to change your view on fitness, so that it becomes part of who you are and your lifestyle. We strongly believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.  We will work with you and local city kids motivating toward your goals. Our goal is for you: Building solid athletic skills and strong christian character!

My Expertise and Experience is Your Success is My Goal

John Blake has degrees in Public Health Education and Sports Medicine: Human Performance, Strength & Conditioning, and Athletic Training from East Carolina University and the American College of Sports Medicine. He developed and implemented sports medicine care and educational programs in Washington, DC and Durham, NC. He is the founder of More Than Gold Sports camps, academies, fitness boot camps and programs strengthening youth as well as adults of all ages. Allow “doc Blake” to help you reach your fitness goals.

Why they call me “doc”

As a Certified Athletic Trainer (1977-1996) I provided prevention, care, and rehabilitation for elite, college, and high school athletes. They called me doc Blake and I was committed to their success. My degrees are in Public Health, School & Community Health Education, and PhD post grad studies in Human Performance. I’m Always Here to Help! These are more than words. This is a promise. Always here, means by whatever means available. To Help, means to leverage any resource of scientific knowledge, coaching experience, and tools appropriate for everyone of my fitness clients to get into the best shape of their lives. docjohnblake

Camps for City Kids are held for 4 consecutive days during summer months and school holiday sessions.  These camps emphasize putting God first in every aspect of play and life.  Building solid athletic skills and strong Christian character during drills and team play are expected of every camper.  Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis are regularly offered, but other sports like Wrestling, Baseball, Football, and Black-top Games have been held in the past. Sports camps, clinics, and tennis academies are typically held in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Fitness and healthy lifestyles are emphasized during all sessions. Presidential Fitness standards will be the age/sex baseline goal for all campers before the end of each camp season.

For further camp details and a current schedule: Visit Upcoming Events and/or Call John Blake at 919.630.9434 docblakefitness@gmail.com Though we meet with the kids in a variety settings, all of these camps emphasize putting God first in every aspect of play and life. If you are ready to start living a healthy lifestyle or already on a fitness journey, message me to get started! Everyone has a unique schedule and life situation, and I’ll strive to accommodate yours.