Stuck at home is a devotional booklet available from CEF Resources for families during the COVID-19 pandemic and other situations which might create fear and uncertainty in your kids. These devotionals will come to your email. You can print them for your child to read and think about, let them read it from your device, or forward it to their device. Reading and discussing each devotional along with your child would further enhance the value and may give you a springboard for further helpful conversation. See additional resources on this page and here.
Stop the Spread Are your kids anxious in these days? Many families and friends are afraid of what would happen if they tested-positive for COVID-19. What are things your family is afraid of right now? God’s promises in this pamphlet will help them fight the spread of fear! Read this online interactive version of the Stop the Spread pamphlet…
The Greatest Doctor— Online Tract
Is COVID-19 the worst problem that we are facing or is there a more dangerous problem? The Coronavirus is a huge problem, but this tract reveals our even bigger problem! Find God’s solution through His Son, Jesus Christ. Get answers for yourself, your child, and others in your life as you read and share this thought-provoking message. Read the pamphlet right now (below) and find out more.
Truth Chasers Club — A free Bible club through the mail like Bible correspondence lessons for your children. Members will be introduced to the need of Jesus Christ as Savior and be taught biblical truths including how to live a life that pleases God. NO LONGER OFFERED, but… Contact the CEF Durham office about picking up starter lessons or enrolling children locally by calling — 919-399-1979 It’s still FREE!
Our HisStory PDF paperback booklets are designed to simply, with ethnically-thoughtful art work, tell God’s Story of redemption from creation until Jesus’ ascension into Heaven. The CEF version incorporates the 7 Most Important Things in the World into the narrative and includes the song in the back of the booklet. These booklets are great for small group activities, sleep-overs, Sunday School classes, and of course Good News Clubs. The HisStory pdf is FREE, but the CEF version must be mailed to you and the cost is $5/booklet.